Intro to Github

Jessa Gavilla
3 min readSep 18, 2020


Yes, my Github is empty since I haven’t used one before :(

#**Now Intro to Git Begins** — This is the markdown in Collab hehe
  1. Create a new repository in github by clicking the + sign in the upper right corner and then choose new repository

2. Type in the name, choose the availability of the repository to the public, and pick what you would like to initialize this repository with

3. Update your readme document if you would like to :)

How to clone your github repo in your computer

  1. ) Open your command prompt

2. I am changing my current working directory to the folder where I want by github repo to be saved:

3. Copying my Github repo link

4.) Cloning it via Command Prompt

It has been cloned :O

5.) Changing my current working directory again to the Github repo I just added

6.) Git add .

6.) Git Status

It says nothing to commit but I want it to commit something

I edited my readme to see if my github repo will change

Okay now it says is modified

I also added my Git_Basics_200910_Sr.ipynb to my github repo folder

7. ) Okay, I will do Git push -u origin master again

8.) Git add .

9.) Git status

10.)Git commit -m “rush commit”

11.) git push -u origin master

12.) Checking my github

The changes were reflected yay!

Forking other github repo

Search the repository you would like and click fork

Cloning the github repo in my computer

Double-check your folder to see if it was cloned

Yes, it was :)



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